At Go Health, our providers specifically design a treatment plan for each individual and it is unique to that patient. The goal of the treatment is to help the patient reduce pain, restore motion, and prevent a recurrence using different modalities such as spinal manipulation, acupuncture, massage and other therapies such as Hydromassage, Mechanical Traction, Vibration, EMS and supplemental support.
Why is it important to follow your chiropractic and acupuncture treatment?
Your healthcare goals are our number priority. Our goal is to help you reduce pain, improve the range of motion of your spine and other joints and get you feeling your best so you can enjoy the things you LOVE to do pain-free!!!
If you don’t follow the recommendations of your provider, you may not see the results you are hoping for.
If you want to lose weight, going to the gym once a month and not eating properly will not help you achieve your weight loss goals. It is very similar to natural health care. Healing takes time. Most of these issues didn’t happen overnight and typically do not respond 100% after just ONE visit. Be patient with your health.
Healing Is Not Linear – Surviving Complex PTSD/PTSD
What to expect with a treatment plan?
Your Go Health provider will do a detailed consultation and exam (Xrays if needed) at your first visit. After evaluating and determining the cause of the problem and discussing your healthcare goals a detailed written treatment plan will be discussed. This will include how many visits a week, therapies in the office that will be performed, dietary recommendations, supplemental recommendations, and at-home exercise.
The Minnesota Chiropractic Association and Minnesota Acupuncture Association has created a guideline for treating and managing various neuromusculoskeletal issues, so your Doctor of Chiropractic or Doctor of Acupuncture will use these guidelines to help create your individual treatment plan, but your involvement means you have a greater chance of success. Typically, every 10-12 visits, your healthcare provider will re-assess your treatment plan making sure to tweak things as needed.
How to get the best results?
First, you must be sure that you understand your individualized treatment plan. If you don’t understand how to take a supplement or herb or how to perform your at-home stretches make sure you ask!
Between your appointments at Go Health, make sure you are doing the recommended at-home exercises, and stretches that were prescribed to you.
Consider your lifestyle as part of your treatment plan with your Go Health Provider. Don’t hide anything. If you smoke, drink or forget your exercises, please let your provider know.
Let GO Health help you achieve your health care goals for 2023. Schedule your YEARLY check up or NEW patient visit for only $65. This includes a detailed consultation with one of our Doctors, FULL exam, xrays if needed, digital foot pain analysis and FULL detailed report of findings along with your individual treatment plan.